This page is dedicated to kayak related fishing reports. There will be overlap with the normal catch reports but if your only interested in kayak related reports then this is the page for you.
Palace pier - Charlie fished the palace pier on his kayak as a bit of a last minute trip. He had some old black lug and a few lures to use. He yakked out to the end of the pier and tried his luck with the lug but not much happening so he headed further out and managed to get some mackerel using a dexter wedge lure. He managed to get a joey so paddled back in to use it as live bait near the pier but he didnt manage to catch. He did catch a few schoolies using his lure around the pier but no bigguns.
I had a quick trip out on my yak over the jennies but the may rot was thick and putting off the fish. Only 1 bite but no fish. not long though until the bream will start to show.
Me and Charlie gave the kayaks a go on sunday in an attempt to get some more Plaice. We set out from the west pier at 7.30 am and the sea was calm. We drifted for around half a mile but no luck. As we got further out the offshore breeze made paddling more difficult so we decided to fish inshore. We fished for a few hours but no bites and the wind swund easterly which put a chop on the water. As a result we decided to stop fishing and put the fishing gear away and went back into the water to paddle in the surf. I was using long flowing Plaice rigs with beads and size 2 hooks with King for bait.
After buying my kayak in Dec i have been itching to get out on it and the current weather presented the perfect opportunity. I had purchased accessories such as a fishing seat with rod holders as well as some safety equiptment and was all set and ready to go.
Me and my mate Charlie fished from Hove (near hove lagoon) and paddled out about a mile to near the inner jennys. I can assure you that the water was still chilly as my feet were like ice but my wet suit kept me warm throughout. We anchoured up over a patch of rough ground for about an hour and tried various tactics and baits but to no avail so we decided to drift for plaice. We were using running ledgers with beads and attractors on to appeal to the Plaices inquisative side. They were about 5ft long flowing rigs and we were using light geat and 2oz weights. You could feel every patch of ground and every little knock or snag. After the first drift using ragworm we had nothing so we went out again. I decided to use some freshouts and so we drifted again. After a couple of minutes there was a knocking that was different from just the bottom. After leaving it to develop for a brief while i reeled in and felt the welcome resistence of a Plaice about12oz (which i released alive after the photo). We also tried some lures and feathers in the vein hope that there may be some early mackerel about but no luck.

We drifted again but to no avail so called it a day after 4 hours. Im itching to get out again once some more summer species are around. We also tried trolling lures, plugs and shads behind us whenever we were paddling out but to no avail, but it is ear;y in the year and im sure we will have better luck as the summer approaches.
If anyone has any marks within a mile of the shore between seaford and worthing they wish to email me, then it would be greatly appreciated.
If you have a kayak your also more then welcome to come along with me and my mate. I am also going to be developing Kayak fishing pages and guides to help thise of you that are kayak fishermen or those of you looking to get into it.